Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Powerful, Effective Program That Is Helping Older Women Finally Get Pregnant

Copyright (c) 2010 Linda Cole

That old thinking that once a woman reaches maturity(35 to 45 years) she will never be able to get pregnant. Times have certainly changed and the good news is it is very possible.

Because we live in more liberated times women often spend their earlier years on a career where before they could possibly be pregnant for the second time by the time they were 21. We sure have come a long way and thankfully so has research which has found solutions to the problem of conceiving at an older age.

Conventional medicine steers toward the IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization ) program which takes the eggs out of the womens' womb and fertilizes it in a laboratory with their husband or partners sperm. If that does not work and the success rate is not that high donor eggs are suggested. This is where eggs are taken from a younger women and fertilized by the older womens' partner. Many couples have turned away from this idea as the thought of it not totally being their baby has been for some painfully hard to deal with.

All these methods are expensive, highly stressful, time consuming and at times very painful. It is incredible that some couples have spent ten years on an IVF program waiting patiently for a positive result. How helpless they must feel as they face constant disappointment.

Luckily there is an option that is getting infertile women of any age pregnant very FAST

Thanks to the tireless research of many devoted people older women all over the world are ge women's coats tting pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies in the most natural way. Some changes in their lifestyle were needed but most would agree the outcome was well worth the work.

Infertility in women is not just an age thing it is connected so strongly to the world we are living in. Pollution, stress, fast food diet and lack of exercise play a HUGE role in the rise of infertility. If we do not look after our bodies and minds I can guarantee you it will manifest itself in sickness. Changing your thinking and your attitude to your health will not only get you pregnant faster it will make you feel like a million dollars. It is a WIN win situation.

If a woman is willing to spend 10 years on an IVF program trying to get pregnant I believe she would jump at the chance to re-work her lifestyle to a positive healthy one so she could be pregnant within two months.

This would be exciting news to a couple who may have all but given up hope of having a baby. It is all about doing a U turn in your life and getting yourself on a fast track to premium health.

As a couple you can both get involved in this change as an unhealthy lifestyle can have an affect on a mans sperm count. So eat lots of vegetables and fruit, hydrate with water, get your bodies moving with exercise and work on ways to help ease the stress. Your bodies will reward you with fantastic health and most importantly a reproductive system that is ready to get pregnant and healthy enough to carry a baby to full term.

If you are taking any medications check with your doctor that it has no adverse affects on trying to get pregnant.

If you are smoking or drinking quit as they are highly dangerous to your baby and will cause infertility.

Check when you are ovulating. You can purchase an ovulating kit from a pharmacy or online which can help pin point premium times in your menstrual cycle.

Last but definitely not least.

Having a baby with someone you love is a beautiful thing so relax with each other and make those times as special as you can. Dreams do come true and with a few changes so can yours.

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